• Location Ikseon dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul
  • Role Art Direction, Space Identity, Brand Identity
  • Status Completion, 2018.09
  • Program Pub & Beer
  • Creative Director Park Kee Min, Jung Jin Ho
  • SI Design Team Kang Ji Yeon, Yang Jin Ju
  • BI Design Team Choi Su Ji
  • Photographer Choi Yong Joon

Kang Ji Yeon

BXSI Manager

In the middle of summer, it was dangerous because of the characteristics of old hanok, but the process of overcoming many difficulties without giving up was a memorable project.
너무 더운 한여름, 오래된 한옥 특성상 위험하기도했고, 우여곡절도 많았던 고생스러웠던 현장이었는데, 포기하지않고 하나하나 극복해나가던 과정이 기억에 많이 남는 프로젝트 였다.

Kim Yeon Ju

BXSI Designer

I thought about it so that even small parts such as lighting, candlesticks, and handles could be felt as an object.
조명, 촛대, 손잡이 등 작은 부분에서도 칼리가리만의 오브제로서 느껴질 수 있도록 고민했던.